Culdians embody the earliest form of Christian Teachings from the 1st Century merged with ancient Druid wisdom. Instead of one ideology attempting to stamp out another, pre-Nicean Christianity represented an original form of peaceful mysticism that merged and added wisdom peacefully with the older lore of tribal neighbors. Learn about your true spiritual heritage those in power wished to suppress from you.
Revived in 1980, through spiritual communication common to the original Culdees, and with documents and personal lineage, a group in New Zealand was asked to finally come out of the long hiding from persecution to restore publically an important piece of mankind’s spiritual birthright. Learn more about who we are and our aims in the World today.

Some of our main Teachings can be found right here on this website. These Teachings, more than anything else you see above or within this site define Culdifaith, and what it is to be a Culdian. If you are looking for more in our hard copies, visit our Store.
Many of you have common questions that either can be answered here or in the Forums. We also have a Dictionary explaining ancient words and other meaning for common words in our usage.

First and Foremost…
We’re modern people living in a crazy world. We come together to talk and learn about these underlying spiritual truths. You can sign up for free to read our teachings, talk on the forum, and even participate in a correspondence course.