
Category: Psychology

Our lack of application is one reason why we are still immersed in the material world, and it stems from a number of weaknesses within us. Motivation seems, at times, to be an illusive quality. That is why it is so imperative that we find motivation, for without it we usually get nowhere.

There is no easy way to apply our teachings. If we are looking for a magic wand or someone to appear and show us how to walk the path, we are very mistaken. We walk the Soulpath alone. Why are so many called, but so few chosen for the Mastery of Life? Because many have not the inner strength, conviction, fortitude or will power to do what they know they must do. The more we apply ourselves to our duties, the easier they become. Determine within yourself that nothing will prevent you from applying yourself. Nothing can, or does, except yourself.

Category: Psychology

The positive psychic is the person who tends to manipulate the forces of Nature, whereas the negative psychic tends to be manipulated by these forces. One is the active and the other the passive. We are usually more one than the other, although it is possible to switch polarity when sufficiently experienced.

Category: Psychology

Man has conditioned himself into thinking that all of the ills and bad fortune of the world are just around the corner and are about to pounce on him the moment he stumbles. He then conveniently invents stumbling blocks, so that when something unfortunate does happen to him he can point out exactly what it was that ‘forced’ him to do something, or why it was that a particular ‘accident’ occurred. It becomes normal, as the outcome of subconscious conditioning, to anticipate and plan for misfortune, and we draw it to us. For example, an insurance salesman, after a brief talk, will have you believing you will be homeless, carless and penniless if you do not buy his policy. The commercials on television will persuade you that you need a pill for every bodily function, a stimulus for every sense, a different cleaner for every corner of the house (even though it is the same dirt), etc. Is it any wonder that we draw negation towards us? If we put enough will power into making our life a success rather than a failure, by planning success and not subconsciously conditioning ourselves for failure, the trend will be reversed. We may desire only good fortune, but is that desire stronger than our expectation of misfortune? Do we anticipate to become ill if we are around someone with the flu? If we do we certainly will catch it. Simply hoping that we will not get sick is not sufficient. Our desires must be strong enough to motivate us to do what we desire. Wishful thinking or talk not acted upon is an excuse for our own laziness. If talking of something good does not manifest that thing, then what good is simply talking about it going to do? It is merely wasted energy and therefore partakes of the wastefulness and uselessness of negation. Both parts of your question could be considered negative and therefore negative aspects manifest. In the first part, the manifestation of negative things, and in the second the absence of anything good manifesting.