The Afterlife

Category: The Afterlife

All religions describe God according to the understanding and concept of the people they serve, and as interpreted by their different cultures, but He always remains the same and unknowable in the absolute.

Category: The Afterlife

Proof is obtained through the Supreme High Ritual, the Ultimate Earthly Initiation which all Masters and High Adepts undergo. This requires many

years of rigid disciplinary preparation and entails ordeals which only very few are prepared to undertake. It is a gamble with death and the odds are less than even. The overwhelming majority of those who, without thinking deeply on the matter and analyzing its implications, want the answers, are not prepared to pay the price when it comes to the actual issue; for something as great as this, which transcends specific laws and principles, must indeed command a high price. However, if anyone is sincerely seeking and genuinely prepared to pay the price, he or she will be shown the path.

Category: The Afterlife

You make a common error in believing that because you are ‘closed off’ from the other side everyone is, or that there is no substance in it. It is simply a matter of lack of attunement. In order to get what you want three things are essential: an effective sender, a sensitive receiver and proper attunement between them. Just as individual radio stations have their own particular frequencies, so do people have frequencies, and just as you have to tune in properly to a radio station in order to receive broadcasts, so is it necessary to fine tune-in to a personal frequency. If your husband and you were close then it would have been possible to have developed telepathic communication between you while he was on earth; then when he left earth communication could have been maintained.

Category: The Afterlife

To start with ‘astral world’ creates the wrong impression, for in reality it is not one but many many worlds. The term ‘worlds’, too, is not entirely correct, perhaps ‘dimensions’ would be a better word, for they are not divided by space but by states of being. Perhaps the best way to illustrate this is by analogy. There are many thousands of radio stations throughout the world; if they all tried to broadcast on the same wavelength there would be absolute bedlam, with no distinguishable communication at all. So in order to overcome the chaos of similarity, receivers are restricted as to what can be received and the broadcasting stations are each allotted a particular frequency. Thus, through its own frequency rate each station becomes a separate entity with a broadcast unique to itself. It does not interfere with the others and while the receiver remains tuned to that particular broadcast none others appear to exist. So it is in the astral. In the frequency rate of A will be found all those attuned with it; they will be drawn together by the law of affinity and will be compatible. In state B will be another group of compatible people and in state C yet another group of people compatible within their own limits. Soulspirits in the astral dimensions, or the astral realms as they are sometimes called, are set apart according to their frequencies and attracted into relationships by affinity. In the lower astral there are antagonisms and other similar emotions, but this does not apply to the higher astral planes which, to those who dwell there, would be Heaven.

Category: The Afterlife

Should a teacher do the sums for a child? Could an aspiring craftsman learn his trade if the tedious arduous work was done by someone else? We are here to learn, to develop and progress, so we must be allowed freedom to make mistakes, to choose this or that road and if, having been grated freewill, we make wrong decisions, will we not learn better when we suffer the consequences? One of the laws of life is that effect follows cause and everything has its consequence. If this law is part of our curriculum on earth why should there be divine intervention to alter it? Even illness and pain can be the result of wrong decisions. The uncertainties and vicissitudes of life do not in any way contradict the concept of the universal sovereignty and beneficence of God. All evolutionary creature life is beset by certain inevitabilities. To acquire strength of character man must be reared in an environment which necessitates grappling with hardships and reacting to disappointments. To realise the satisfaction of happiness he has to live in a world where The alternative of pain and the likelihood of suffering are ever present possibilities.

Category: The Afterlife

The Supreme Spirit can exist only in a reality transcending that which results from the interpretations of our limited senses. Therefore He is

as unknowable to our sensory faculties as are the frequencies, atoms and molecules which make up matter in the universe. So we may find difficulty in attributing material form to Him, but no such difficulty is experienced when considering His nature, for we partake of that nature. That part of human nature which is not the product of material evolutionary development, for example the concepts of beauty, music, art; of mercy, justice, love and goodness, which originate in a realm external to the material, may justifiably be considered attributes of the Divine. A materialist, being unable to comprehend the reality behind material manifestation, would not conceive The Supreme Spirit as something apart from the matter of this dimension. As no Supreme Being having the attributes of Deity could be manifested in matter, materialists affirm that God does not exist. To understand the nature of The Supreme Spirit one must first try to understand the nature of reality. Einstein and other scientists found no difficulty in formulating a satisfactory concept of God. People conceive Him according to their degree of understanding and possibly no two people share an exact conception of Him. Probably the best answer is that given by Einstein who was asked the same question, “I cannot know God, but I can observe His reflection on the imperfect background of matter as it is interpreted to my understanding. Why should I or you assume that I see more clearly than any other? That He exists must be true, for only substance casts a shadow, but what this Divine substance is who among men can presume to say?”

Category: The Afterlife

The explanation and the understanding of this lie in knowledge of frequencies. Each physical body has its own unique ‘frequency band’ and the astral body, while having a frequency rate many millions of times greater, nevertheless is a harmonic of earth frequencies. There is no likelihood whatsoever of the confusion mentioned. If you were to tune into a radio station in New Zealand, that is what you would get, there would be no confusion. Radio and television station frequencies do not clash or blend with one another, and neither do the personal frequencies of astral beings.

Category: The Afterlife

No, a period of time is spent in the borderland where one reviews the past and assessments are made. Then the ascending Soulspirit is eventually conducted into the astral sphere where it remains for a while.

Category: The Afterlife

Yes, and this accounts for many problems, particularly with regard to relationships. Also it explains one of the mechanisms of kharma, for we do not necessarily have to work out kharma with particular individuals; we can work it out with others in the same broad grouping of affinities.